
You’ll hear a lot in the coming days about GPs being on strike and various twists on this. We are not on strike but we are taking a stance about inadequate practice funding and unfunded work. We want to keep our surgery as your local surgery and family GPs. Practices are closing and jobs are being lost nationally. The short video below explains what is actually happening. We get £107 per patient per year. 30 pence a day, to provide your healthcare, whether you see us once in 10 years or see our healthcare team several times a week. You will notice some changes in the coming months, but as the GP partners, we are doing this to protect our staff, but ultimately we are doing this to provide continued and SAFE patient care.

Please see link below to video. 

We now have a service to enable you to order your regular repeat medication on line.

You will need to register for this service. On our website and scroll down to the bottom of our home page.

You will see a number of "Online services".  Select "Repeat Prescriptions" which will open in a new window. If you are registered to use this service you can order your medication by logging on with your secure passwords.  If you have not registered you will  need to visit the surgery to obtain a registration form, instructions and your unique access codes. By using this service you will be agreeing to our terms and conditions and we will hold your email address on our computer data base which will be kept confidentially by our practice and not given to any other organisation.

Please be aware that we cannot guarantee the security of using an email service that is outside of the NHS secure website. 

Please note:

  • We can only process prescriptions that have been authorised by a doctor to be repeated. 
  • This service is only for ordering repeat medication.  If you need medical advice please contact the surgery by telephoning 024 76332628.
  • We hope you find this service helpful if you are unable to get to the surgery to order your prescription. 

You can also arrange for  a local chemist to collect and deliver your medication.  Telephone the chemist of your choice and let them know you have ordered a prescription and when it will be ready for them to collect.

Thank you.


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